Benefits & Characteristics
Whether you need wood for professional construction projects or DIY home improvements and decor projects, SYP is a solid choice. It’s beautiful, strong, flexible and good for the environment. It takes well to finishes and can be shaped and molded to your requirements.

Strong and Durable
Considered to be one of the strongest softwoods out there, DIY projects made out of SYP will most certainly stand the test of time.

Projects using SYP lumber are less susceptible to cost overruns without sacrificing quality and aesthetics to cut costs.

Native to the U.S.
Beautiful and sturdy wood? Check. Satisfies urges to support US-made products? Check.

Whether pressure treated or left natural, its light and warm color, plus its unique wood grain patterns, will make any part of the home welcoming.

Large Abundance
Since it grows so well in the southern parts of the country, the supply of SYP lumber is abundant.

Easy to Grow
SYP grows on acidic red clay soil. Where other types of wood fail to grow, SYP has no trouble thriving.

Easy to Work With
SYP is easy on the tools and holds fasteners exceptionally well. With a high density yet still being soft, is easy to curve or bend.

SYP is a good carbon sink, meaning it absorbs and stores carbon dioxide.
Southern Yellow Pine (SYP) is strong, stiff, and dense, able to fasteners exceptionally well, which makes it a great choice for any project. SYP has a unique cellular structure which lends itself well to pressure treatment. Its distinct grain pattern and beautiful gold color make it a great choice for anyone looking to showcase its natural beauty.