Southern Yellow Pine’s Environmental Promise: Building a Sustainable Future.
Southern Yellow Pine stands as a champion in the construction industry, seamlessly blending strength and sustainability. Harvested from responsibly managed forests in the southern United States, this versatile wood not only boasts remarkable durability but also contributes to environmental conservation.
Wood Pellet Conversion = $ in the Bank
The town of Chester in New York State plans to convert its municipal buildings from oil-fired heating systems to bio-fuel. Now, their city buildings will use wood pellets (biomass!) and will save the town thousands of dollars every year. Even better news: wood pellet energy source is completely renewable…because it comes from trees.
Wood. It’s in What?!
This isn’t hyperbole: Nearly everything we use in our daily lives is made possible by wood and trees. From the moment you wake up, wood is there to make your day easier and a bit more enjoyable. There are thousands of things in the world made…
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees
Lumber manufacturers in the Southeast go back 5 generations of operators… and employ foresters to manage the needs of the land and forest. Those foresters employ best management practices, enabling a healthy forest for future generations. Not a…